Life through Instagram II

It’s time I kicked in some life into this space. First of all, 

Dear lemonandpie,

I’m sorry for the neglect over the past… 3 weeks or so. School beckons and once this semester is over, I promise to devote every fibre of my being to you. 

Love, Charmaine

Moving on, I’ve been baking, and cooking. Which is good. But I barely have the time to really sit down and write, and by write I don’t mean just giving you guys a recipe, but I’ve been trying to make an effort to put a  little bit of Me into every entry that I post, and when I can’t do that, I’d rather not write. But just so I don’t get completely disconnected from this virtual world and from you lovely people who still bother to read this (I really hope some of you have stayed despite my absence…), I’ve decided to post snippets of my life. of course, via instagram.

My definition of early morning exercise

Who doesn’t love a cupcake. what more, a cupcake with a surprise center

Ready to combat another week of school!

sugar + butter + cream + sea salt = Salted Caramel

Hello Gorgeous

So much love from Ely

Brunch date x

My new favourite way of cooking salmon: En Papillote!

Ah, a huge bowl of comfort

Soon, I will be starting work at a lovely shop, where I will get the opportunity to bake and share a little bit of love with people out there. Really looking forward to it, will keep everyone updated x.

Life through instagram


I apologise for the halt in my writing. School has been keeping me up to my neck, and apart from my weekly Monday bakes, I pretty much drown myself in work and the woes of school. Might be starting something exciting in my life soon though, so I will keep you guys updated.

Anyway, I must confess that I am hopeless with technology, and so, I don’t really fiddle much with cameras. While I was away, I captured my daily life and travels via the amazing square filtered pictures = Instagram. Though, I am seriously considering getting a camera so that I can do justice to my bakes and give them their kodak moments. But that shall wait, and in the mean time, this has been my past two weeks:


Banana Oatmeal Bars


Earl Grey x Lavender


Inv(asian): Pandan meets Coconut



Morning light


Pumpkin Loaf


Rain Stained Windows

I promise to be back soon with recipes of new cakes/cookies/brownies as long as I get the next two weeks out of the way and then it’s HOLIDAY (one week is still better than nothing) *throws confetti and whips out my apron*

Have a brilliant week x